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Extended search tips

Use typical terms that match your job wish.
Combine several terms to limit the search.


  • Inverted commas to search for combined terms, e.g., SAP controller
  • NOT to search for job descriptions which contain, for example, SAP but not controller: SAP NOT controller
  • OR to search for job descriptions which contain, for example, SAP at Oracle: SAP OR Oracle
  • AND to search for job descriptions which contain both terms: SAP AND Oracle
  • Brackets to combine operators: (SAP OR Oracle) AND controller searches for job descriptions containing ‘SAP’ and ‘controller’ and job descriptions containing ‘SAP’ and ‘controller’.

Refine your search

  • Freelance contracts
  • Permanent position
    Haven’t found what you’re looking for?

    Give us a call – not all job offers are always published here (e.g. for confidential clients). It’s worth calling us.