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The best candidates for your worldwide projects

Author: Laura Reisdorf

Around the clock, totally committed, in demanding jobs: Engineering professionals really want to be able to identify with their projects, attaching great value to the remuneration, the environment, and the fine details being just right. Our Engineering team knows how engineers’ minds work and strategically bring you together with the best candidates for your projects.

What you should do now

Just give us a call or contact us by e-mail. We listen carefully and note down your requirements accurately. After an initial meeting we get to work on your behalf, present suitable candidates to you and advise you throughout the entire recruiting process.


What we do to find the best possible candidate for your vacancy

Together with you we define the candidates’ duties and requirement profile, among other things in the form of a job description we draw up together. We make use of our network, search the market for candidates, and carefully examine the applications and references we have received. Finally we conduct interviews with the candidates and shortlist those that are suitable. We coordinate the presentations and on your request, also attend them. We subsequently conduct concluding feedback discussions with you and the candidates in an effort to continually improve the quality of the working relationship.

Forms of cooperation

1. Direct search

1. Direct search

In the case of positions that are particularly difficult to fill we offer you a direct search, giving your assignment top priority. At a joint meeting at the start of the proceedings we determine the strategy and approach that will be adopted for the search, as well as remuneration. We go above and beyond a classic network search and placement of advertisements, are pro-active in headhunting the most interesting candidates, and arrange meetings and interviews while maintaining the desired discretion at all times.

2. Success-based search

2. Success-based search

Exclusive search

For a pre-determined period of time you work exclusively with us, and pay us only when we have successfully placed a candidate. In return you receive our highest level of service. We search our network for suitable candidates, place advertisements on relevant job boards and give your assignment top priority.

Deadline assignment (applicable only in the placement of freelancers)

Together, we draw up a project plan containing previously determined interview times. Throughout the duration of the project we work on your behalf, search in our network, place advertisements on relevant job boards and give your assignment top priority.

Standard search

We search for you on a non-exclusive basis. You pay only when we have successfully placed a candidate. In return we expect an immediate decision about whether to invite a candidate for interview.

Engineering: Current trends

There continues to be great demand for qualified candidates for engineering projects, and they are quickly placed if free or willing to change jobs. Our well-assorted network, and the fact that we stay in constant touch with our contacts help us stay on the ball. Recent experience indicates that engineers also pay attention to details. They expect people to make time for them and to fully clarify all their questions, for example where demanding jobs abroad are concerned.

Current job offers

There are currently no vacancies.

Your contact persons

Torsten Fischer

Torsten Fischer
Engineering / Permanent positions & freelancers

+49 (0) 69 15 39 254 – 30

About element

Top recruitment agency

For more than 10 years, element has been specializing in the job market.

Better candidates for you

We provide tailored job descriptions, proactive candidate search, and support throughout the selection process.

Insider advice

Recruiters are familiar with the job market situation and can find qualified professionals and executives for your vacancy.

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